Friday, April 12, 2019

Thanksgiving...and decorating for Christmas!

This year, my mom's side of the family celebrated in the cafeteria at NCC. 
Lots of memories have been made there over the years - my 30th bday party, multiple parties for my kids...

Last year, the kids and I made our famous turkey cookies but had to throw them all away when both of them ended up being sick. We were happy to be able to make them and serve them this year!

I got Lucy this dress from Screaming Owl and she and Isabelle were SO excited to see a matching dress for her doll! Max was pretty excited about his monster party shoes. 

Wonder what they're talking about...

This goofy guy has some pretty cute facial expressions...

Little beauties 

We also celebrated later that weekend at GranJan & Grandpa's - all the cool kids ate in the big room.

Soon enough, it was time to start decorating for Christmas! Lucy & Max love getting the holiday bins out and discovering forgotten treasures.

Max won this blanket in a gift exchange last Christmas. He called it his "soft soft 'moji" blanket" and he was sure happy to see it again! 
We also found the handprint decoration Lucy made as a baby with Dave's cousin Tracey years ago.

We put up two trees this year which was very exciting!
We used to always put up the big fat Christmas tree in our living room...before we had the kids and all their stuff! At that point, we put the big tree in storage and got a more space-friendly skinny tree. This year, we got the big dog back out! It looks awesome in the living room and the skinny guy looks perfect in the playroom.

Dave says Lucy will forever get to put the angel on the tree but since there were two trees this year, she let Max put the star on the other one.

Hugs and kisses for the trees:

Dave and I used to have a tradition with Ashley, Brady and Chloe where we made and decorated Christmas cookies. Lucy even joined us a couple of times. But this year, my kids did the same with Donna and Ashley and loved it! Donna even taught them a very special trick - how to suck up the excess sprinkles with a straw...just in case they hadn't already had enough sugar...

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