Wednesday, April 3, 2019

October memories - a picture post

Little beauty on picture day! She had her whole outfit laid out and her hairdo all planned. She was feeling - and looking! - fab but when we were just about to pull into school, she realized she'd forgotten her necklace. Emergency! She was in a panic so we headed back home...and I must admit, the necklace really completed the look!

One thing we really didn't like about our old street was all of the traffic. Even though we lived on a dead-end street, cars were constantly going up and down. Because of this - and no sidewalks - the kids didn't really ride their bikes much. We knew as soon as we got into our neighborhood, Lucy would quickly learn to ride her bike (with no training wheels) and we were right! Dave took them off and within a few minutes, she had it! She was so happy and so proud.

Leaving a fun event at Walnut Hills Academy

First time eating dinner on our deck!

 This guy cracks me up, even in his sleep!

We had a fun afternoon at a wedding reception - Max got to drink sparkling juice out of a champagne flute...fancy-pants!

My little artists were pretty busy painting all of their little pumpkins! 

Beauty queens!

These two best buds are so imaginative!
The made a boat out of the brooms & shovels and their chairs
then made fishing poles out of sticks - they were on a fishing trip!

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