Thursday, June 6, 2019

Snow days!

All of the teachers in our family - Jason, Jessica, Jeff, Donna - were all pretty grumpy that the big snowstorm we got in January happened over a weekend because even though there was a whole lot of snow, it didn't equal any snow days off from school.

I, personally, was pretty pumped! I didn't have to worry about where the kids were going (Dave's school doesn't close for snow very easily) and I got to play in the snow with them!

We had lots of snow fun - in our yard on Saturday and in GranJan & Grandpa's yard on Sunday.

At our house:

It was a perfect snow for making snowmen! 

After our snow fun, we came inside to warm up with some hot chocolate!

Next, the kids wanted to make snow ice cream. Lucy had made it in the past with Tammy but I'd never made it before. It was pretty easy...and very tasty! But you have to eat it fast because it starts melting really quickly! 

The next day brought lots more snow fun on the big hill in front of my parents house. The only "kids" crazy enough to land out in the street = my parents...

Happy winter! 

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