Wednesday, January 8, 2020

End of summer and back to school

The St. Joe festival always marks the end of summer.
This year, it was on Friday night and Saturday night (no Sunday() and we went both evenings.

Lucy really wanted to win a fish but (luckily) she was unsuccessful.
They had fun meeting up with friends they hadn't seen in a while - they each rode several rides with friends - and went down the big slide together a bunch of times.
At one point, Max overdid it on the spinny rides and lost his lunch...but after a Gatorade, he was back in the game!

The first night, it was just the four of us but we met up with Jeff, Ema, Luke & Ellie, J, J & Shawn, and Grandma and Aunt Amy the next night.


All four kids won hats from the hat booth - super-fun choices!

Just ten days later was the first day of school - both kids starting the year as BlueJays together for the first time!

We went up to school for JayFest a couple of days before the first day - to see their classrooms and meet their teachers. Max was super shy and nervous about it - he made Lucy get in the photo, too, when I wanted to snap a pic of him with his teacher - but I think he was getting pretty excited to go to "Lucy's school."

Lucy is in 3A and her teacher is Miss Williams.
Max is in KB and his teacher is Mrs. DeNeve. The new kindergarten aide in his class is our friend Ms. Heather so we were pretty pumped about that, too!

I always take off work on the first day of school so I can take them to breakfast before school and pick them up that afternoon.

Lucy chose a sparkly new backpack from Target - it has the mermaid sequins but also has a plush unicorn hood that unzips from inside...a bit crazy but it makes her happy! I found a coordinating lunchbox at TJ Maxx.

Max chose a superhero backback that came with a lunchbag. 

Max really does not want to wear a uniform...
By the time we were ready to leave, he looked mighty cute and was even in a pretty good mood - but it was a little rough there for a bit...
He knew he had to wear it - and we laid it out on his dresser the night before. But as I tried to get him dressed, he was kicking and screaming and crying and flailing - giving me quite the challenge!

I told Dave Max was ruining the first day of school for me and Lucy! 
He tried to reason with him, too, but it finally came to me laying on top of him and yanking the shorts up his legs (he kept kicking out of them or pulling them off when he wasn't fully restrained).

Ultimately, he came down looking and acting like a cute, sweet little boy...

Lucy had a very specific hairstyle in mind and I was able to make it happen to her satisfaction. She ordered these two little buns with some hair down in the back!

We went to Frisch's for breakfast.They had a tasty breakfast and guess who got ketchup all over his uniform...

Doing this silly self-hugging pose,
he basically got ketchup in the armpit areas of his shirt...

Lucy was game to have her pic taken with the BlueJay but Max wouldn't get anywhere near him!

We all walked Lucy in and to her classroom first.

Next, Max and I headed over to the kindergarten building. He was quiet and shy and unsure - but there were no tears. He saw his best buddy from Walnut Hills Academy and smiled happily with him while they played with Play-Doh.

Lucy's first day of kindergarten vs. Max's first day of kindergarten:

He was fine when I left and when I picked them up, he said he LOVED "big school" and had had a great day. Lucy had a great first day, too!

Getting dropped off on the second day of school:

I bought this cart from Michael's to make it a "homework cart." It's stocked with sharpened pencils, markers, crayons, scissors, glue sticks, notebooks, etc. so it's ready for them each night. So far, we haven't had tooooo much homework resistance...

They started the school year riding the bus in the afternoons to WHA and the director there was able to snap some pics of Max's first bus ride:

 It's going to be a great year!

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