Friday, October 24, 2014

Max - 5 months old!

Baby guy is 5 months old (as of last Thursday)...we must be having loads of fun, because time sure is flying!

He's getting SO big!  Such a chub!
He weighs 16 pounds, 13 ounces!

Lately he's been laughing a lot and we love figuring out ways to make him do so.

He still loves being outdoors and he constantly keeps an eye on his wacky big sister.  She makes him smile so easily, though he's a generally happy, smiley dude.

He get impatient when having his diaper changed - I don't think he likes being put down! - but he turns his frown upside down when I sing "Old McDonald had a Farm."  Sometimes I ask Lucy to sing him a song or do a dance for him...Max loves her little performances - and so do I!

We lost our good sleeper...from day one, he slept long stretches - at night! - and maybe we bragged about that a little too much?  Ever since he had that ear infection, he's been a wacky sleeper.  It had been the plan to move him upstairs to his own bedroom once he hit the 15 pound weight limit of the bassinet...but right around that time, he started waking up multiple times each night and he would scream and wiggle and we knew we couldn't have that going on across the hall from Lucy...the last thing we needed was two kids up in the middle of the night.  So we rearranged and made room for the pack-n-play in our room, which is where he remains...

Though he recovered quickly from the ear infection, the sleep schedule is still out of whack...luckily, he's a little nicer about it - no more screeching and screaming - but we were so spoiled by him going to bed at a reasonable time and only waking up once in the night...we want that back!!!  Come on, baby guy!
Playing in his bed...where he should be sleeping each night!

Sitting in his carseat and sitting in Lucy's carseat - such a big giant cutie!

Max usually joins us at the table at mealtimes (in his Bumbo)...that way he can keep an eye on his sis and interact with us.  He keeps a close eye on everyone's food...he's very interested - and often reaches out to try to steal food or a fork or a cup.

Since he's such a growing boy, is a hungry hippo, seems so aware of food, and pulls everything he can get his hands on straight to his mouth, we thought maybe it was time for this dude to try cereal.  He's about a month ahead of Lucy here - we started her on cereal at around 6 months.

The verdict is in - he loves it!  He's still a little grabby - he's knocked the bowl out of my hands several times and is always trying to take control of the spoon - but he seems to really like eating like a big boy.  He's even started having his cereal for breakfast at the sitters' houses so he has one helping there in the morning and one helping at home around dinner time.

He's found his toes and those little things make him mighty happy!
He loves getting baths but he's all over the place in the tub!  He likes splashing but he wiggles all over the place so bathing him has become a bit of a challenge!  He likes to store stinky drool and milk spills in his neck folds, though, so bathing him frequently is certainly a necessity!

He loves to play!  So cute!  He really enjoys being in his exersaucer - maybe because he loves stretching his legs out and "standing."

And he's constantly chomping on things - anything!  Dave holds him up high, sometimes setting him on his shoulders, and Max often grabs at his hair and tries to put it in his mouth - gross!


We're lovin' life with this kid!

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