Thursday, August 8, 2013

Pretty little dancer

Cleo and I went to the big Manyet recital in the Spring and on the back of the program, it mentioned dance sign-ups and the fact that young dancers could begin at age two.  Cleo encouraged me to sign Lucy up so I went to their website soon after.  I saw that they offered a summer session which was just a 30 minute class a week for 6 weeks.  I figured we'd give it a try.  I found this pretty little dance class leotard in a bag of dress ups handed down guessed it - Cleo!
We already owned the leg warmers, which perfected the look, and I had one excited and adorable "dancing girl" on my hands!  As I was getting her dressed and fixing her hair, Dave watched and asked, "You've been thinking about this all day, haven't you?"  So what!?

She was sooooo excited to go to dance class!  We got there and she took it all in and stood where she was supposed...and then she continued to stand.  She smiled and looked around wide-eyed but she really didn't participate in any of the dances (except for one near the end of class which involved walking, marching, hopping, and dancing around the room - if she didn't follow the little gal in front of her, she'd have gotten trampled!) unless I moved her body for her (which she loved).  But even though she didn't really do the dances, I could tell she'd been loving life.

Afterward, I suggested going to get ice cream and the life-loving continued!

We went to Coco Berry by our house and had "brown ice cream" (cookies and cream flavor frozen yogurt) with "LOT sprinkles"!

The following week she was excited again as we got ready. 
She'd already become an old pro and led the way into class.  We had a different outfit to wear the second week...a skirt I'd purchased for her to wear to her 2nd birthday party (before I found one that was way better) and a shirt on loan from RC.  Week two she participated a little bit more, especially during her favorite dance - the butterfly song.  Each girl is given two scarves that they extend slowly during the slow parts of the song (butterfly) and move quickly while bouncing around on their tip-toes during the fast parts (bumblebee).
After class when I asked if she was ready to go home, she said, "NO!  Ice cream store!"

Week three she wore her birthday party skirt and got multiple compliments from the other mom's in the class! 
For this class, the Tiny Tunes class, the little dancer participates with an adult.  I went with Lucy each week and most week's the other girl's had their mamas with them, too, though one week several of them had their dad as a partner instead.  Lucy liked it when I moved her arms for her but also participated on her own to a few songs.  She definitely loves the butterfly song!  There were several different color scarves - orange, pink, green and yellow.  Some of the girls really wanted a particular color and I am soooo thankful Lucy didn't mind which color she got!  There were no complete meltdowns from her classmates when they didn't get the color of their dreams but there were some unhappy moments at times...
Auntie Ema was thinking about having her baby that night so we had to hurry home after class so I could go to the hospital but Lucy was excited to see Grandma so she didn't put up a fight about not going to the "ice cream store."

Week four: 
She chose to wear her 1st week outfit again.  This week Miss Megan broke out the parachute and Lucy loved it!  During most other dances, she turns to check to make sure I am still there and doing the dances with her at least once.  When the parachute comes out, though, I become invisible!  Everyone had to hold a handle and follow Miss Megan's instructions - lift it high, drop it low, shake really fast, etc.
Yes, we went to the ice cream store after class!

Week five and she had a brand new dance class outfit and leg warmers to wear, courtesy of GranJan and Donna!
 Hooray for parachute!
And hooray for ice cream store after class!

For the last week of class, all of the dancers were allowed to invite one friend to come watch them dance.  Lucy chose Cleo!  They walked in together and over to her "spot" (each girl has a spot to stand on during class - except for during the dances like the march around the room or the Hokey Pokey) but then Lucy just stood there (and probably confused Cleo) and kept turning to look for me.  Donna, A and I were in the lobby watching and at one point, Lucy came running out to me so Cleo and I switched places.  A, Cleo and Donna all came in to watch (so we broke the one visitor rule but no one seemed to mind and there were empty chairs available) and Lucy and I did our best to entertain. 

Lucy also loves when we get these sticks...there are a couple of songs we use them for and they make her pretty happy...she likes to tap-tap-tap their sticks together!  There is a variety of colors in the sticks, too, and luckily it does not matter to her what color she gets of these, either! 
Our friends were late for Cleo's soccer practice so they had to jet but don't dance partner and I still made it to our weekly ice cream date! 

While at the ice cream store after the last class, we ran into one of Lucy's classmates, Tenley, and her mom and grandma.  Tenley's mom and I talked about whether we were going to sign up again for the fall.  At times when Lucy was just standing instead of dancing per instruction, it felt like all of the other girls were actually participating but I guess that's not entirely the case.  Tenley's mom said her daughter seemed to like the class but there were portions where she wouldn't participate...she said there was one song in particular she'd been singing and dancing to at home but then when it was time for that song in class, she refused to move.  So I don't have the only goofy girl!  Because many times at home, out of the blue, Lucy has said to me, "I be Miss Megan, you be Lucy!" and she has taught me dance class!  But in the studio, she freezes...I could still tell she loved it and when she reenacted it in a positive way at home, that sealed the deal.
So yes, I signed her up to dance again in the fall and her first class with be on her Grandpa Stallkamp's birthday - September 11 (we did Monday nights in the summer but will move to Wednesdays in the fall).  I believe she may even be in the recital next Spring! 

1 comment:

  1. Tiny Tunes class is the cutest! Jackson was in that class. I put him in for the entire year. For about the first half of the year, he just stood there. I was afraid I had wasted my money. But he finally decided to have fun. He was in the baby recital in May and did a great job. Lucy is going to love it!
