Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Visitors, swim lessons, etc.

Uncle Jeff and Auntie Ema came over on Friday night.
They had dinner with us, the we played in the living room and in the basement but then we came back upstairs.  Lucy watched The Little Mermaid while the rest of us played Euchre but ever since then if I ask her who came to see us, she has said, "Jeff!  Tent."
She doesn't let just anyone in her tent (Dave is often allowed in, I am usually NOT allowed in) but Jeff worked his way into the tent, welcome or not, and it made a lasting impression on the Lucy girl.

Uncle Jeff also couldn't resist trying out the tunnel but Lucy knew it wasn't right:

Building with Auntie Ema

Fighting with Uncle Jeff

Our family considered joining the YMCA - until we learned how much a membership costs - because we were interested in signing Lucy up for swim lessons.  We didn't join but still planned to do the lessons but I kept failing to follow up.  I finally remembered to call yesterday afternoon and was told they began THAT NIGHT.  
We were able to make it happen, though, and when we told Lucy about it, she was SO excited. She kept asking to go swimming, to go to the swimming pool, to put on her swimsuit, etc.  It was cute seeing her so excited but we had to get through dinner first!
When we got there and signed in and got dressed, we were still about 10 minutes early and Lucy was really itching to get into the pool...she kept inching closer and closer and I'd let her stick her feet in but she wanted more...
Finally, it was time to get in and at first, she was still sooo excited and so happy...but very quickly, she turned from the image on the left to the image on the right...

We've been having some difficulties with Lucy at bath time lately...namely, she HATES baths now.  We can't figure out what it is, exactly.  She fights going in and lately sometimes cries through the entire bath, though other times there are happy, fun moments mixed in.  
My theory is that she doesn't like her face getting wet (though she never used to mind this and would simply shake her head and blink a lot if water got on her face during hair-washing) but that doesn't explain everything.  
I worried about swim lessons, thinking she has some new problem with water, but she was so excited at first...these lessons are twice a week for the rest of the month so wish us luck on Thursday!  
Daddy and Lucy swam together for the first class but she cried for me so much, they got out  before class was dismissed...

Lucy constantly says this...we must often say "in a few minutes" when she asks for things because she's picked it up from somewhere!  We'll tell her it's almost time for bed, bath, dinner, whatever...and she say, "Minutes!"  She'll go to bed, get in the tub, eat dinner, a few minutes.  She cracks us up!
Pardon the blurry pic - she was in motion - but this is her new "wacky smile" she likes to give!

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