Friday, February 15, 2013

My Baby

I logged into one of my baby websites earlier today and was greeted with this message:
There are 38 days until your child's birthday!

Hard to believe, but it's baby is almost 2!  We have started planning for her little birthday party this year and I think she's really going to enjoy it.  She had a lot of fun getting and giving valentines this week and will surely get a kick out of being the center of attention (even more so!) on her birthday.

Most often, I take pictures of my girl with my phone, since it's always right there.  I use my own camera frequently, too, and usually have that with me at all times.  Sometimes my camera is dead or Dave's is simply closer but I am not as quick with retrieving those are a few gems I found when I stuck his memory card in the reader today:

Lucy got a few valentines in the mail which made her very happy...some even came with stickers, which both she and her baby enjoyed wearing!
When we got home yesterday, there was a valentine on the porch from Grandma and Grandpa and she could NOT wait to check it out - literally!  She would not let us bring it inside first; she had to dig right in:

She took a few bites of these pure sugar Peep hearts and we warned Grandma:
If Lucy was still awake when she got off work, she could come play with her while Dave and I slept!
New baby - in giraffe clothes! - from mom and dad
After valentines and dinner, it was time for our V-Day swim:
The swimsuit Nick & Stacy got her for her birthday last year still fits!

Swim class continues to go well but 30 minutes is plenty of time...she's definitely fine with getting out of the pool when class ends.  She had a good time last night with her yellow duck.

Bath time has improved as well...last night I bathed her and there were no tears, even during hair washing, and Dave had a good experience bathing her on Tuesday as well.
She is soooooooo obsessed with Ariel and insists on watching it every night before bed...we'd also gotten her a Signing Time DVD for Valentine's Day but she only wanted to watch The Little Mermaid...

*The other night she needed help with something in the living room and I was in the kitchen and she yelled, "Help, Dani!"
*Last night in the pool she was swimming and I said, "You're swimming just like a fish...can I call you Flounder?" and she said no so I asked her what I should call her and she said, "Ootsy."  That's how she pronounces her name!  It was the cutest thing because she usually only says "me!" about herself.
*She's putting more and more words together at a time and last night she kept saying "Happy Valentine's Day!"

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