Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Lucy calls herself by name now (though, of course, she still says "me" frequently) and can even spell it...sort of!
I think the letter "u" confuses her since it sounds like the word "you" so she spells her name: 
L-C-Y.  Not bad!

Swim lessons are coming to an end - tomorrow is the last class.  After a rocky start (that also coincided with a brief bath time aversion), we have all really enjoyed it.  Last week she wore her bumble bee swimsuit from last year...maybe a tiny bit tight but still technically a fit:

The teacher seems to really like her but then again, the teacher is a very nice woman who seems to really like all of the kids in the class.  Daddy got in with her last Thursday and things went well so he got in with her again last night.  All three of us may get in for the final class.

The teacher had a doll that blows bubbles in the water to use
as an example on the night that blowing bubbles was the lesson...
Lucy was the teacher's BFF when she let her play with the doll after the lesson!

Lucy continues to love purple and often requests to wear purple clothes...we had all of our bases covered one night last week when we stopped at the library for a little trouble-making (rows of bookshelves make for a good running maze):

We are fortunate enough to have a doubled wardrobe by way of hand-me-downs-on-loan from our friend Reese Morgan.  These shoes (still a little big but this girl was not taking no for an answer) and this shirt are on loan from the RC collection and the pants are a recent awesome find by GranJan.

Lately Lucy is completely obsessed with "helping."  Dave and I try to tag team it in the of us will play with Lucy while the other cooks dinner and sometimes we even have to switch partway through...but when Lucy catches wind of one of us cooking, she zooms to the kitchen, grabs the stool and scoots it over to the counter, climbs up and says, "Help!  Me!"  We do try to let her help but when we're heating a frozen pizza for dinner, what is there for her to help with??  We struggle...
But last week I was making a snack for Ashley's birthday party and my girl wanted to help.  Don't worry, party-goers, she washed her hands first:

At first she was just putting the rolled up ones onto the tray but then I got too slow and she wanted to roll them up...she's such a good little helper!

She had fun at the party, too:
She LOVED Cleo's doll house and spent a lot of time playing with it.
Sometimes it can be a bit of a challenge to find a place for her to eat at Donna's house but we spotted this desk and knew it would be perfect!

She has a "wacky smile" she like to give:

Yes, she is definitely wacky...but she's oh-so-sweet (especially when sleeping, ha!)
Couldn't resist snapping this pic one morning before dropping her off with the sitter

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