She was asleep when the first carload pulled up but while I watching the Burnses from the doorway, I heard a Lucy peep and raced upstairs to get her.
She'd been sleeping in the guest bed and I was in a rush to get to her - before she started to cy and get upset, before our friends got to the door - and was taking the stairs a few at a time.
It was pretty dark with the stairway light off and the lights off in the dining room and the blinds drawn.
Thankfully something stopped me on about the fifth step. I don't know what it was but I stopped in my tracks and let my eyes adjust to the darkness and there was Lucy...on the sixth step. Luckily our friends were arriving and I didn't have time time to dwell on what I'd almost done to my sweet baby...
All morning we had discussed the fact that our friends were coming over but her nap had gotten started a little later than planned and she had no time to finish waking up and adjust to the invasion so she started crying before the twins even made it inside. Soon the Kennedy girls were there, too, and Lucy realized I wasn't going anywhere and started to relax a bit. I dare say she had a fun afternoon! She still lost it a time or two and sharing is still not her favorite, but it was a pretty fun day:
We played in the basement a lot. As his mother put it, "Elijah is a dumper!" That's not to say the girls played no part in this, though, because every one of them had fun exploring the toy collection.
At this point, Lucy is more of a play-alongside kind of friend...she's not much for interaction or sharing and from what I've read, that is normal. We do still try to emphasize sharing, though, and one of these days she may actually give it a try!
At one point, she and I were upstairs fetching her Little People Ariel and when we got back to the top of the steps, she tossed her down...(this is kind of her thing - she constantly throws baby dolls down the stairs to meet her when she makes it to the bottom). Hearing the noise, EJ came running and picked up the toy...and Lucy lost her shit. I told her she had to share...which made her lose her shit some more. She had to go sit on the steps (leading to her bedroom) until she could calm down after that one.
Lucy wasn't the only screamer of the day, though...Karli let loose when anyone besides her mama tried to hold her (I can certainly relate to Christa there!) and the twins made some noise over a fight for the police car.
They all agreed to sit close and pose for a pic afterward, though, so I think they're definitely all friends for life!
And this was big for Lucy, letting a pal share her table:
The aftermath seems to say a good time was had by all:
The following weekend, we had some birthdays to celebrate:
We went to the Knotty Pine for dinner and then back to our house for a birthday cake made by guess who:
More purple clothes...pants from Grandma and Grandpa Meyers, shirt from the RC collection |
She had almost as much fun eating the cake as she did making the cake! |
Back at home, she had fun with the birthday girls:
She sings "Happy Birthday" a LOT. In the car, walking around the house, in the tub...a LOT. She has yet to sing along at a birthday party, though...I can't wait until everyone is singing to HER next month...she's going to love it!!