Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Our first house

Dave bought our first house not long before he and I got engaged.
We lived there through our first ten years of marriage and as we started our family.
I'd argue that we outgrew the house long before we moved on but in June of 2018, it was finally time to admit it and make a move.

We decided to put the house on the market right before our summer vacation - the idea was, we'd be out of town for an entire week where we wouldn't have to worry about cleaning or leaving for a showing. We were leaving at around midnight on a Friday and the house hit the market late Tuesday evening - about 3 days before we left.

A good friend from college - Christy Alwell with Pivot Realty - handled the listing for us and hired an amazing photographer...another college friend, as it turned out. She took such amazing photos that really painted our first house in it's very best light.

Because of our amazing real estate team and the nature of the market, our house was sold before we ever even packed the car for the vacation! It was quite the whirlwind!

Here are the beautiful photos:

I made a late-night run to Meijer one night to buy these curtains!
And Christy suggested we re-paint the bedroom and when we did, the comforter no longer matched
So this duvet was bought (on Amazon) specifically for this photo-op!

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