Thursday, September 20, 2018

Father / Daughter Dance

Lucy and Dave went to their very first Father / Daughter dance in April!
She was very excited and extremely particular about her appearance - from finding the right dress to curling her hair and requesting to wear a bit of make-up (looking at pictures made me realize we may have overdone it...but she was happy...)


Daddy took her out to dinner first and let her choose - anywhere she wanted...and she chose Skyline! She also invited Max and I to join them so we got to snap this cute pic. They had a great time!

More celebrating Lucy!

On the weekend after her birthday, we celebrated our big 7-year-old just a little more...
First, I took the kids to the Y to swim inside for a bit

Next, we went to the castle so Lucy could use her birthday key. My brother Jeff and I loved this when we were little! This was a first for Lucy now that Tech Castle (which is a computer company that moved into the old Johnny's Toys building) has reinstated the birthday castle. She was pretty overwhelmed by her choices but finally ended up with a super cool peace sign bracelet.

On the back of the key postcard was a free admission to Totter's Otterville and we surely couldn't let that go to waste!

I got to enjoy a pretty cute puppet show!

 My little ballerina boy!

We finished the day with a tasty meal at Skyline!

Friday, September 14, 2018

April 2018

Some April memories in photos:

 Happy Birthday, Jessica!

Grandpa attack!

Park and library fun.
Max loves coloring and is so good at it!

April 12 - finally a warm-ish day after a coooold March and a cold start to April...the kids and I got excited and headed straight to our favorite park after school - Alexandria Community Park. We grabbed dinner from a drive-thru and ate it there. They brought their bikes and we rode around the lake and hid some of the rocks we'd recently painted.

Sunrock Farm visited the library and we got to brush the goats and sheep and hold some baby chicks!

Cute hair for a cute girl!
We went to see the 8th graders perform Beauty and the Beast at St. Joe's for a fun girl's night out.

Ice cream and crafts party at the library!

Cuddle buddies!

Lucia after her First Communion -
with Lila, Lucy and Isabelle

Cute pics of our cute little bike rider at school...
And some pics from a visit to Pioneer Park with Dave

Isabelle got to go, too, in the bike carrier from Auntie Ema