She is now 3 feet 2 inches tall - 2 inches taller than she was in September at 2.5!
She weighs 33.5 pounds - a half pound less than at 30 months...I knew she was stretching out!
Look at my poor babe...she was soooo sick, can't you tell??
Seriously, though, despite her waiting room energy and her appearance, we took her to the doctor last Friday (01/17) because she'd had a cough all week that she just couldn't shake. It was pretty intense and she'd have lengthy coughing fits in the night (though, miraculously, they rarely woke her up). A couple of kids in her class had pneumonia the week before and with so much going around, we decided to take her in. She basically got a clean bill of health - lungs clear, ears looked great, etc. but we were told the cough could linger for another week - which is has...and continues to at least a call - if not another visit - to the doctor is probably in order.
Recently, Dave and I had a parent-teacher conference at Lucy's school (how cute is that?!) and Lucy had her own first while we attended...she saw her first "big movie" with GranJan and Uncle Jason! They took her to see Frozen (and she's been talking about it ever since! She keeps handing me the remote and asking me to find her "big movie" on our tv...) They said she did great and only got antsy in the last 15 minutes or without the 20 minutes of previews at the beginning, it would have been perfect!
Have I ever mentioned how much I love Miss Megan??? We got sooo lucky having her as Lucy's first teacher...Lucy loves her, we love her, she's learning so much from her and Miss Megan loves her, too! That's all I really want in a caretaker for my girl...someone who will take great care of her but also love her (but realize they are not her parent). We talked about Lucy's faults but Miss Megan stressed that Lucy's good qualities far outweigh her bad and that she's perfectly normal...and she basically said Lucy's one of her favorites. Dave tries to persuade her to switch to the 3 year old teacher once Lucy's ready to move on up but sadly, Megan didn't seem interested...
One of the reasons we started sending Lucy to school was to help with her socialization with other kids...she's never been great at playing with kids, though she's awesome at playing with adults and playing independently. It seems this really hasn't changed (which we pretty much already knew). Lucy has her favorite classmates and will play a bit with them but continues to prefer to play independently. Sometimes she shares well but other times...not so much. Like they have a bin of Little People (something Lucy has an abundance of at home) and Lucy will not let others play with them! She could be playing with ONE of them and if another kid tries to take a different one, Lucy lets them have it...we have some work to do...
Speaking of letting them have it...she yelled at Sam pretty good (bad?) on New Year's Day so I brought that up - does she ever yell at her classmates? Megan admitted that she has done that, but not regularly, and she isn't the only one...but it's another thing we need to work on...
But she has her good qualities, too! She's very sweet, she loves to be teacher's helper and she is super smart. Yay Lucy!
Opening her coat to show off her cute shirt
She has gotten a little bit better about trying new foods - especially at school. However, on Friday, she must not have been in the mood. That morning, she said she wanted something to eat and Dave told her she'd be eating breakfast as soon as she got to school. She whined, "I just want a little piece of bread!" so I ended up breaking off a half piece of bread and offering it to her...she refused it. That's my girl.
I put both halves in a baggie and brought it to school with us and put it in her snack bin. At lunchtime, she refused her ravioli...she's previously eaten the ravioli there before so Megan tried hard to make it happen again but was only able to get the crazy girl to eat one bite. Since she wouldn't eat it, Megan offered her the bread from her bin:
But look how cute I am! |
Last Wednesday, she only had one wet diaper! Every other time, she told her teacher when she had to go and she went on the potty! We've been switching to undies when we get home from school and she has not had an accident in a pair of undies yet! We've had several outings where she's told me she has to go and she actually does (though she faked daddy out in church yesterday...). Over the weekend, she actually got upset with me when I put a diaper back on her (like for nap time and when we went somewhere in the car). We were on our way to Reese's 4th birthday party and she announced she had to go potty but we were still 10 minutes away. I said, "I can take you to the bathroom when we get there if you can hold it but you have a diaper on in case you can't hold it and that's okay."
As we were getting out of the car, I asked her if she peed in her diaper or if she still had to go and she said, "I'm trying not to pee in my diaper!" And she didn' proud!!
Watching the birthday girl open gifts at Reese's birthday party |
Us girls played in the snow for a little bit on Saturday morning...the snow was so deep in some areas! Lucy said, "Good thing I'm wearing a snow suit!" She just cracks me up sometimes...later, once we were inside getting undressed, she couldn't quite remember the word and asked me to help her take her suitcase off! I let her wear her undies instead of a diaper when we were out there and she did awesome!
When we came in, I enjoyed a cup of hot chocolate while this silly girl snacked on a bowl of snow! |
Lucy had a visitor on Sunday - Aunt Amy! She was excited to show off her new purple room again! She's so funny...she always likes to go up ahead of whomever is there to see the room and turn the lamp on - because she thinks she's cool for knowing how to turn it on. Once she's got it on, she yells down that the visitor can come up the steps.
Playing on Lucy's "iPad" |