Tuesday, October 15, 2013


I left work a little early on Friday to set up a little surprise for my girl...
I went home and set up a sheet in the driveway with her paint and paintbrushes and a new, big pumpkin to paint.  She had a small pumpkin from GranJan but I thought it would be too small for her to paint so I'd stopped at Kroger to buy her a big one...I figured she would want a bigger canvas...
In a way, I was right...but not exactly...

I got her pink car and walked up to her school to pick her up and we rolled home to see the surprise.  She was pretty happy!

She started off painting the pumpkin for a couple of minutes...

On Sunday we went to a pumpkin patch!  Lucy was so excited!  We went with GranJan and Donna and Cleo and Anna and Ashley and we all had a lot of fun.  Lucy did something amazing that shocked all of us.

She rode a horse!!
We spotted them and walked over to them and we asked, almost jokingly, if she wanted to ride.  We all knew there was no way Lucy was gonna go for it...but she said yes!  Then we started to walk in, close to the little ponies and again, I thought for sure she'd bolt.  She didn't.
So I sat her on the pony of her choice (the smallest one) and waited for her to shake her head and reach for me.  She didn't.
At the start of the ride, there was a little jerk and again, I thought for sure Lucy would want off.   She didn't. 
She rode the entire time.  She didn't have much of an expression on her face during the ride but I still think she enjoyed it.  Much later on our way home from Donna's, I asked her what her favorite part about the pumpkin patch was and she said "horsey ride!"
This kid is amazing!

Other fun patch pics:

Petting a sheep..."Soft!"

Feeding a goat...Donna was surprised that she did this, too, but she feeds goats all of the time at the zoo

Hayride to the pumpkins!
"Look at all these pumpkins!"

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