Friday, October 25, 2013

Lucy lately

Lucy girl has been doing well lately. 
Yesterday when I picked her up from school, Miss Megan said Lucy often cracks her up and had said something pretty funny that day but she couldn't remember what it was - she said she's going to start writing them down because she says at least one memorable thing per day...I really hope she follows through because we'd love to hear it!

One day last week, Lucy and Dave were playing and she said something like, "Sauce-per-a-ter!"  He asked her what it meant because he had no clue what she was saying and she told him, "Donald says it!" and he was able to determine that she was saying "Exasperating!"
She's not quite sure what it means, but yeah...our two year old uses words like, "exasperating."

She thinks she's funny when she beats us to the living room in the evenings and sits in Daddy's chair!  Lately we've been watching the Halloween episode of Little Einsteins.  She calls it "the ghost one!"  She likes screaming every time a ghost comes on the screen...the trouble is, she's seen it sooo many times (all 3 of us have!) that it doesn't really hold her attention as well anymore and she's been getting rowdy in the evenings.  Last night I was able to coax her into choosing a movie and Aladdin and "Jam-sin" held her attention and kept her calm:

I think she's getting a little better about playing with other kids...she had a lot of fun at Granny and Great Grandpa's anniversary party last weekend and especially had fun playing with Lilly.
But truthfully, her favorite part of the party was probably eating the cake:
When we pick her up from school, we usually peek in the door for a few minutes to watch the kiddos for a bit and it seems like she's playing with her friends often.  And she always talks about the kids at school and tells me her best friend is Hannah.  I told Miss Megan that and she said Hannah is most on Lucy's level, intellectually (she once also told me that Hannah and Lucy were the smartest kids in class but also the only two who aren't embracing potty training).

We went to Jack-o-lantern Junction last week with Grandpa and GranJan and Lucy had a great time.  She had another first - my little girl is growing up! - she got her face painted!  I'd suggested she get her hand painted because I thought she'd be more likely to go through with it that she'd be able to see it!  But the girls in line in front of her got in on their faces so Lucy did, too!

We walked through the train display and made our way to the indoor pumpkin patch (Lucy spotted it first and pulled us in!) then waited in a line for 30 minutes so GranJan and Lucy could take a 3 minute train ride!

Lucy even got to do some trick-or-treating!

Finally we headed to the play area where the adventurous girl had a blast.  There was a little train that went around the tracks (when you fed it quarters!) and Lucy hopped on for a ride two separate times.  She's getting less timid right before our eyes!

My favorite picture from the day!

We've been making some crafts at home and I know I posted this pic on FB but here it is again...I just can't believe how grown up she is sometimes!
Tonight we're planning to carve pumpkins!  Wonder how she'll feel about scooping out the goop?

Dance class has been going about the same...she won't do the warm-up songs and usually doesn't start participating until the third or fourth song.  I'll take it because at least that means she participates at some point!  Last week Dave came, too, and she was too wound up with her audience and I lost my cool with the spaghetti arms and legs - not to mention the times where she just left the circle all together to climb on Daddy.  This week was actually "watch week" and we decided Lucy wasn't mature enough for a familiar audience, ha.
Here she is last week:

Pumpkin skirt cousin Amy found at a yard sale (and GranJan bought for us)!

Next week she gets to wear her Halloween costume...I hope she (and I!) can handle that excitement!
Though she didn't dance much, we went to the "ice cream store" after class last week - Daddy was starvin' marvin and needed dinner anyway so we went to DQ but we heard our usual ice cream store - Cocoberry - closed up shop!

I don't have much else to say except...she loooooves sandwiches! 

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