Thursday, January 3, 2013

Christmas, part two

On Christmas Eve, the celebrations continued...

Dave and I started a Bob Evans tradition several years ago and now Lucy joins us there for breakfast on Christmas Eve.  She ordered French toast and fruit but only tried one or two bites of the French toast (even though it involved dip-dipping, which is a favorite mealtime activity).  She also tried some of Daddy's biscuits and gravy, some of mom's toast (she's not so sure about jelly) and her sausage link.

She loves fruit but is particular about which fruits she'll eat...she could eat a whole bunch of bananas, she loves grapes and strawberries and blueberries and will eat fruit cups of mandarin oranges, peaches and pears. 
Which fruits won't she eat?  Mainly melons - watermelon, cantaloupe, etc.  She is also weird about apples.  But at breakfast, she was eating the grapes from her bowl of fruit and she stuck a piece of cantaloupe in her mouth...I though "Jackpot!  She's going to realize she does like it!" But about five seconds after it went it, it came back out...and into my hand.  Whenever she tries something she doens't like, she insists upon sticking the gooey, chewed up, sucked on item into my hand...

Later that afternoon, we met my parents and baby brother at St. Pius for Christmas mass. 
Ready to go!  Adorable outfit from Old Navy
Lucy was a pretty good girl, though Uncle Jason let her escape at one point.  He was sitting on the end and Lucy and I were more in the middle...she went past me to my mom, who let her past her to my dad, who let her past him to my brother...who let her exit the pew!  She was captured pretty quickly, though.  She had a pouch and maybe another snack and played with a couple of small toys but I also let her have her B during church.
She wasn't my biggest fan when I made her give it back afterward, but we were at the party soon enough...she was a little overwhelmed because she's not used to sharing space - let alone her toys! - at GranJan's house but she had fun.
She got some new pjs and some Little People from her friend Lucia for Christmas!  And, of course, she got to hang with her pal Cleo.

After some fun - and gifts and dinner - at GranJan and Grandpa's house, it was time to go to Great-Granny and Great-Grandpa's house.  Great-Grandpa made her (and Lucia and Jared) a new chair!

She had another fun

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