Sunday, January 6, 2013

Christmas, part three - Santa came!

By the time Christmas morning rolled around, Lucy was pretty beat - several days of partying had caught up with her and she hadn't slept well...too much excitement!  We almost changed our plans around (the order of events) but Dave and I finally decided to awaken Sleeping Beauty and she was in a good mood and ready to go check out what this Santa visiting thing was all about:

Looks like Lucy was a very good girl...Santa brought her a new bookshelf / toy storage with her name on it and he even went ahead and stuck some of her old books in there (because he didn't think to bring her at least one new book...)
She got a Disney Princess castle that really talks and plays music!
She got some new shoes and some new clothes and a new giraffe chair to add to her chair collection!  She even got a new giraffe backpack...someone must have told Santa and the elves that Lucygirl likes giraffes!
Daddy got her a new baby and stroller and Lucy had fun pushing her around the house before posing with all of her new things:
Not long after discovering Santa's offerings, though, it was time to head to GranJan and Grandpa's house for Christmas with her grandparents, aunt, and uncles.
Lucy made out like a bandit and had so much fun opening gifts and watching everyone else open some, too.
We had all been there the night before for Christmas Eve so Lucy was happy to see that she was the only kid there on Christmas and she had full control of all of her toys there again!  She even got to sit at her little table to eat breakfast (not that she sat still for long...or ate much...too much excitement!)
We stayed until it was time to get the girl home for her nap and then get ready for Christmas at Grandma and Troy's house.

After nap, she got dressed in her final Christmas outfit - we found this adorable Gap jumper at a consignment shop back in September and knew it would be perfect for Christmas and we were right!

Lucy got her very own table and chairs set from Grandma for Christmas!  Aunt Amy even got her some Dora dishes to go with it!
She had fun with that and with her other gifts and really liked seeing her friends Eric, Tracy, Sarah and Jackson again...but this party girl was cooked!  She melted down a little easier than normal.  I didn't put her into her pajamas because we left around 7:30ish and I figured we could still do the bedtime routine (including bath, which we hadn't done at night for a few days) but I was wrong...girlfriend fell asleep long before we made it getting the jumper and turtleneck off of her was a bit of a challenge (and I failed...I woke her up in the process...but she went back to sleep).

Lucy (and her parents!) had a wonderful Christmas and she hopes you did too!!

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