Thursday, December 12, 2019

Summer visits to the Cincinnati Zoo & Cincinnati Museum Center

On a beautiful Saturday in July, the four of us headed to the Cincinnati Zoo. 
Our idea turned out to be a pretty popular one and all of the zoo's parking lots were full! We had to find street parking and walk over.

We got to meet the newest giraffe. Lucy was curious about his name but I didn't know it so she went up to a zoo staff member to ask! His name is Fennessy (Fenn, for short) and he's named after a conservationist. 

We even got to see him running around - cutest thing ever!

The goats weren't really in the mood fort visitors - they all kept going into their barn - but they got to pet this guy real quick.

We ended our visit with a carousel ride and a sweet treat before heading back to the car.

The next day, the kids and I went to the Cincinnati Museum Center while Dave golfed. We were excited to see one of the Mr. Redlegs benches out front.

The kids made wishing in the fountain and Lucy explained to Max that he couldn't say his wish out loud or tell anyone - or else it wouldn't come true.

But hours later, when we came back outside to head home, he said, "Can I tell my wish now? Because I think it already came true."
We agreed that he could tell us what his wish was and he said, "that me and mommy can be best friends forever."  💓

We played in the children's museum for a long time but explored a few other areas for the first time, too:

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