Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Easter Fun!

Lots of Easter fun was had this year!
Max & friends had a great time at the egg hunt at Walnut Hills!

Lucy happened to be at WHA the day the dyed Easter eggs there, so she got to color some, too!

We had Grandma and Troy over one night to color eggs at home:

Another night, we went to Great Grandpa's house to color eggs there!

Lucy had a soccer game the day of the library's egg hunt but we had just enough time before her game to stop by and snag some eggs!

Easter morning:

They found their baskets and scarfed down a bunch of candy before going outside for an egg hunt in our yard.

Time for church and more egg-hunting parties! Lucy wore a cute Gymboree romper my mom got her and Max wore an "old man sweater" and looked like the cutest little old man ever!

After church, we went to GranJan & Grandpa's house for brunch guess it! An egg hunt!

Next, we stopped by Grandma and Troy's house to hunt for more eggs!

We ended the day at Great Grandpa's house - Happy Easter!

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