Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Summer lovin'

This summer, the kids are spending lots of quality time with Daddy but it's still important to see friends, have organized days and to learn and have some fun so they're going to school twice a week (Wednesdays and Fridays). Lucy is back at Natural Start in Ft. Thomas for the second summer in a row and Max is continuing at Walnut Hills.
As much as we love Natural Start and Lucy enjoys being around old friends (from last year and from her Kids & Cribs days), we wish both kids could be at the same place. Walnut Hills decided not to do their summer schooler program this year, though, so that made the decision for us!
Both schools post pictures to Shutterfly and/or Facebook so I get to see what they're up to!

Lucy and her BFF at camp, Lucy, made this bunk bed for their stuffed animals!

His treat-eating expression cracks me up!

On June 3, my dad's side of the family had a reunion at a park in Ohio. The kids and I picked up Grandpa to take him with us (GranJan met us there later, after she got off work) and he showed us how to take the ferry! I was excited for the kids but someone got a little too sleepy and missed it...
Max saw it and got a kick out of it, though...sorry, Lucy...
Lucy had so much fun playing with my cousin Mike's daughter, Rachel.

Since we're members at the YMCA, we tried to get Lucy in for swim lessons there but they were booked solid with a several-month waiting list. We really wanted her to have some swim lessons under her belt before our beach vaca so we called Town and Country and they got her in right away. She had so much fun...maybe too much fun - she just wanted to swim (aka play in the water) rather than work hard at becoming a stronger swimmer. She definitely learned some things, though, and has a foundation to build on after her four 30-minute sessions.

On June 16, Max had his last t-ball game. They had a bye the following week and the week after that, we were on our vacation. The coach's wife also works at Sun Chemical so I was able to meet up with her to get his trophy which made our little t-ball star a very happy camper!

After the game, we went to the St. Therese festival for a bit. Max really wanted to bounce in the bounce houses. Lucy has fooled me into buying her a pass for them in the past and then being too scared to jump with other kids in there but Max was insisting...so I bought him the $10 wrist band and he jumped up a storm for the rest of the night! I'd also purchased some game tickets for the kids to share but Lucy used all of those while Max bounced away!

He played a couple of games before he started bouncing but then that was all he did the rest of the night. There were several bounce houses lined up next to each other and he would leave one and head into another without knowing or caring where we were!

That Sunday was Father's Day and while Daddy golfed with his dad, the kids and I took a hike. There is a little trail off of Pooles Creek that we've passed countless times and I've always wanted to check it out. We finally did, and had a nice time.

The first order of business when going on a hike is, of course, finding the perfect hiking stick! When I told them where we were going,t hey searched the backyard and found their sticks before we even left home.

Afterward, when we came back out, they spotted a bunny hopping around! Lucy was calling after it in her sweetest voice, "I don't want to hurt you...I just want to be your friend!" so Max started calling the bunny, too, as they both followed it, "Come back, bunny! Me just want pet your back!" So cute and sweet!

So close!

Goodbye, bunny!

When Daddy got home, it was time to give him his gifts - they had painted a mug and coaster at the library one day when Paint & Bake visited so they gave him that masterpiece, and Lucy made a "U Rock" picture at school!

More fun June photos:
Painting seashell magnets at the library at yet another Paint & Bake visit...we still haven't picked up the finished product and need to!

Resting in Mom & Dad's bed

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