Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Happy 6th Birthday, Lucygirl!

As usual, her birthday celebrations seemed never-ending!
They began on Thursday, March 23 when the kids and I made her a birthday cake since we had the time to spare. We got out my "fancy" round cake display that we got as a wedding gift to make it extra special and exciting.

We did the mixing and baking before bath and decorated after bath (what was I thinking?).


Poor little Max didn't understand why we didn't sing and eat the cake at that point but it just wasn't time yet!

The next day, March 24, she had school but she and I went out for a birthday breakfast at Frisch's first.

And after school, us girls went to see the new Beauty and the Beast movie (we loved it)!
We enjoyed Icees during the show and of course, had to get commemorative pics in the photo booth! She also wanted to try her hand at the claw machine and won a few rubber duckies.

That night, she went to bed as a 5-year-old but when she woke up, she needed two hands to display her age!


The first thing she had to do when she woke up was to get measured on her giraffe growth chart to see how tall she'd gotten:

My attempt at a cute bday breakfast = frozen mini pancakes (heated up, of course) with strawberry party hats.

So finally the big day was here and it was a big day, indeed! She had her first soccer game!
I was a little nervous about how it would go (remember, her first soccer experience wasn't the greatest - you can read about it in this post SoccerAttempt#1) - I didn't want a grumpy birthday girl...but she did amazingly! And she LOVED it! Kids are tricky business, I tell ya...

She's #2
Look at her sitting WITH her team!

She played!
She especially enjoyed being goalie

After the game, we went home and finally sang and ate the purple cake! We also let her open a couple of gifts.

She got an American Girl MegaBlocks set and some Monster High Megablock stuff plus a Supergirl dress...happy girl. We also stopped at the library so she could get her birthday prize - a little blue pony who came with her own comb (the most exciting part, apparently).

That night was also her family birthday bash so we needed her to be well-rested.
Of course, she resisted the nap but finally fell asleep at the top of the steps! Too funny not to snap a pic.

She had her family birthday party at GranJan & Grandpa's house - she wanted and American Girl doll theme.
I made a banner out of paint samples swatches from Lowe's

GranJan made the cake - Lucy is the doll of the year!

She had tons of fun and plenty of nice gifts - including the new American BOY doll from GJ and Gpa.

A couple of other exciting gifts - aviator sunglasses from the Hicks fam, a Little Live Pet from Jason & Jessica (a blue bird that she named...Bluey) and a Build-A-Bear gift card from Grandma &Grandpa

New bike from Mom & Dad!

Pretty worn out by the end of it all!
The next day, the party continued at Paint & Bake with most of the girls from her class - only a couple of them couldn't make it.

The girls each got to paint something (Lucy painted a butterfly but most of her friends chose to paint a mug), then they sang Happy Birthday to my girl, ate cake and ice cream and she opened her gifts...a very fun little party!

We kept the party going for one more week when we had her bestie from her Kids  Cribs days over to celebrate.  Sadly, Ava had the stomach bug the weekend of Lucy's birthday and was unable to make it to either party.  Both girls were pretty devastated but made up for it during a super-fun playdate.

First, they decorated yet another birthday cake - they let Max help, too,and they all went a little overboard on the sprinkles and after eating it, they were on a major sugar high!

The ringing in of the Big 6 was officially complete once she went to Busken for her free birthday cookie, to the doctor for her checkup and to the mall to burn up her Build-A-Bear gift card.

This time, she chose to make Poppy from Trolls

We got to see Dr. deBuys again after missing him last year and she's decided that he's an extremely silly doctor!
She got a clean bill of health and as of 6 years old, her stats are as follows:
Height - 3 ft, 9 inches / 43%
Weight - 50 pounds / 77%

Happy Birthday, sweet Lucygirl!

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