He weighed in at 18.75 pounds, putting him at 70%
He's pretty tall, too - 27.25 inches aka 76%
Look at this growing boy!
He was still able to get his immunizations despite the ear infection so he had three shots in his big fat legs - and he really wasn't a fan...(who would be?) - but he didn't cry long. We could tell he was a little uncomfortable so we kept up with the Tylenol doses through the day after. He was a little grouchier than usual, but no fever or other side effects.
He saw Dr. Brokaw Tuesday and he loved him! Max was cooing and babbling up a storm. The doc said second kids tend to be on the move a little quicker - trying to keep up with older siblings. He asked if Max is sitting up (he is) and if he's gotten in or almost in a crawling stance (he has).
He was impressed with all of his babbling and said he may be more oral/vocal earlier. Any guesses on what Maxy's first word will be? Lucy's was "duck" which was odd...but nice since it wasn't "mama" or "daddy" so neither Dave nor I could claim to be her favorite...I guess ducks were her favorite! I'll bet "Lucy" will be his first word...
He loves watching her and she loves having his attention! Sometimes she'll look over at him and exclaim, "He's so handsome!" or "Maxy just picked that toy up all by himself...good job, buddy!" I love that!
He can sit up now...but he leans pretty far forward most of the time!
He loves being in the exersaucer and the jumperoo...Lucy liked them as a baby, but for fairly short periods of time - and she still liked to have our attention while in there. Max hangs out in his for long stretches in his own little world...
At 5 months old, I had to start supplementing with formula...I just can't quite pump as much milk as this hungry hippo seems to require...I fought it as long as I could - drinking gallons of water, pumping 4 times a day at work plus in the middle of the night, taking vitamins that are supposed to boost production - but I had to realize that I wasn't failing him by not giving him 100% breast milk...I'd be failing him if I didn't give him enough to eat! So on weekends and in the evenings he still nurses exclusively - but at the sitter, he has a little bit of formula mixed in here and there.
We've also introduced some foods...he's been eating cereal for over a month now and has recently tried some fruits and veggies...
"Stop taking pictures and start putting more sweet potatoes in my mouth!" |
"Yummmmm...carrots!" |
So far, he's had sweet potatoes, carrots, bananas, pears and a blend of corn, carrots and pumpkin. He's loved everything! He doesn't exactly get mad at me if I don't feed him fast enough, but he definitely gives me a look - and opens his mouth a little wider. Last night, he tried green beans. And last night, he learned he has the meanest mama on earth (aka, he did NOT like the green beans...there were lots of tears...)
Lucy lived in the baby swing...she took most of her naps in the swing and we put her in there at night a lot, too. Max has always been an easy-going sleeper (except over night these last 2 months) and will nap anywhere so we never much used the swing. Our house is over-populated with stuff anyway so we decided to pack the swing away to make space for the jumperoo. Turns out, this guy uses the heck out of the swing at Ms. Shelly's house and loves it...oops, sorry, buddy! We have been putting him in this little lamb infant seat more lately and he seems to be a fan of that.
This guy! He loves sitting up! Such a big guy! I gave him a bath last night and had him sitting up so I could wash his stinky neck and he was splashing with his hands like a mad man! He actually got upset when I laid him back down...until he realized he could make just as many splashes by kicking...
His hair is still reddish but it's in short supply these days...it has thinned out and disappeared on the sides but it's still plentiful in the strip in the center...so yes, his hair seems to naturally grow into a Mohawk!
We've been getting out more of Lucy's old toys, including this gem Lucy got from her Grandma...Max loves it as much as big sis did!
We also brought the high chair back up - he knows he's a big boy and he thinks it's pretty darn cool!
My new favorite picture of my baby guy...could he BE any cuter?! |
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