He started going to Tammy's house last month...he spends two days a week there while Mama and Daddy are at work, just like Lucy did when she was that age. He's been having a lot of fun with Dominic and Talia!
For most of August, he also spent a lot of time at my friend Harmony's house...we're so glad she was able to hang with our guy...he loved her and her naked baby!
But this month, Max met another new friend...Ms. Shelly! She and her family are amazing and we're so happy we found them! Max goes there 3 times a week and spends time with Ms. Shelly and her baby Leo (and then her older kids - Caraline, Max and Sadie - once they get home from school).
We found exactly what we were looking for - in-home care so that Max can get a little more attention than he'd get at a center and someone to love on our guy when we can't be with him. Shelly gives me a little report every day that tells me everything he was up to, too - from naps to bottles to play time...lots of info for this hyper mama...it's perfect!
Her kids are all as sweet as can be..."Big Max" holds the door for me most days when I come to fetch "Little Max" and Caraline helps me take everything to my car - such a sweetie! Yesterday when I got there, Caraline was holding my Max and he was smiling away...he loves her! We're so grateful to have found them!
Maxy still really loves being outside so he's enjoyed Thursday nights at Daddy's softball games...unfortunately, last week was the end of the season so we have to find new outdoor activities while it's still nice outside.
We had an unfortunate first recently...something that was inevitable but still a bummer - his first "sick" appointment at the doctor. He'd had a bit of a cold and we were snot sucking (he looooooved that, let me tell you...) and using saline nose drops (he was a big fan of these, too, of course...) and running the vaporizer but just as the cold seemed to be fading a bit and he was sleeping a little bit better, I noticed him coughing somewhat frequently. I called the nurse line and she recommended we bring him in since it had been going on for about 2 weeks - and it's a good thing we did. My poor baby guy had a double ear infection!
I was pretty upset because of course I don't want my babies to be sick but also because at 3 and a half, Lucy has never had one! And it just seems like once a kid gets one, they're prone to get them frequently and I really hope that's not the case for Max. I felt terrible - like I should have brought him in much sooner - because the nurse practitioner we saw said the cold likely led to the ear infection. But then she said there was nothing they could do for the cold so I guess I wouldn't have been able to prevent the ear infections anyway...
He's such a little sweetie...he never gave us a single indication...his appetite didn't decrease (if anything, it increased!), he never tugged on his ears or anything (though he may still be too young for that anyway), he didn't scream and cry when we laid him down flat (though he was very restless, which we attributed to being so congested with the cold). But we got an antibiotic and he's on the mend and hopefully almost back to being our great little sleeper!
While we were at the pediatrician's office, I had them weigh him...14.5 pounds! He's rapidly approaching the 15 pound weight limit of the bassinet at 3.5 months (Lucy lasted until 4.5 months) and I think he's being evicted to his own bedroom this weekend...
Look how big he's getting!
This guy loves tummy time! Too cute! He loves watching tv (he totally gets sucked in!) and watching his wacky sister! He loves grabbing onto things, too, so I try to give him toys but he usually just grabs (and chomps on) blankets...He has his 3 month doctor visit next week and I am anxious to see his percentiles for height and weight...he seems so long to me...I feel like he barely fits in his baby bathtub anymore - he's going to have to learn how to sit up soon! Sometimes it seems like he's really trying to, when he's laying in the tub or on his lounger...if he's already at an angle, he's always trying to get himself up even higher...and when he's on his belly, his little legs start moving like he's trying to get away! He has rolled from belly to back lots more but has yet to roll the other way...
Ready to roll! |
I just love my little baby guy!
We still swaddle him at night and below illustrates why we "double bundle" - swaddle him in a blanket and put him in the "baby straight jacket" on top of that.
How cute is this kid??
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