Thursday, March 13, 2014

Lucy lately

Recently, we hosted a play date at our house.  Lauren & Elijah and Claire & Karli came over with their moms.  Lucy was totally into it!  She had a couple of moments of not sharing so well, but overall, she did awesome!  She's finally getting better about sharing and playing with other kids.  Unfortunately, I didn't get many good photos of the adventure...
She was excited to show her friends her new room...and when Tiffany asked her what she would name the new baby, she got some interesting answers...I believe she told her "Leah" (her new favorite name...not sure where she's heard it...) for a girl but then she got distracted and looked out the window so she said "TreeTree" for a boy...(sorry, folks, neither of those names are actually in the running).

We've been able to play outside a couple of times and can't wait to be able to do so regularly!
Riding the bike she got for Christmas from Grandpa and GranJan with Daddy

Sled riding?
A visit to the park at the city building

She said this was her house...
She calls this her gas station...fueling up the pink car!

We bought her this car for her first birthday and have gotten SOOOO much use out of it...
definitely a good purchase!

In preparation for little "TreeTree," we painted the baby's room!  And by "we," I mean Dave...though he did have a little helper for a few minutes...

Whoooo's excited for the new baby!?  We are!

And look what big sister left behind for her little sibling!
Lucy's so sweet when talking about the baby...and the other night she walked over to me and put her hands on my belly and said, "Hi baby!  It's your sister!"  She's going to be the best sis!  A couple of days ago she said, "When you take that baby out of your belly, he can have my red elephant" and sat her little red stuffed elephant next to me.  We're about to learn just how much her sharing skills have developed!

Dance class has been going well lately...last night she was the best dancer in class (in my humble opinion...).  She did all of the dances and did them WELL!  And she didn't need me to follow / hold her hand for any of the follow-the-leader dances...maybe she will partake in the recital after all??  Who knows...she's a tricky gal to try to figure out.  All I know is she and I both had a blast at class last night...and I'll add a little recital sneak-peek since they've been practicing their recital song a little bit and recently got their costumes...

So Lucy's head and Everett's head had a little run-in at school yesterday...they were twirling and apparently it ended badly (especially for Lucy...seems like Everett was fine)...

I'm sure it hurt like crazy at the time, but luckily she says it doesn't hurt looks terrible, though!  But purple is her favorite color...

We are making some serious strides in the potty-training department!  I know I keep saying that but it's true!  We've suffered some set-backs here and there but we're currently on a real roll!  She stayed dry all day Saturday and was only wet once on Sunday and only once or twice at school on Monday.  For Tuesday we had a deal - if she stayed dry the entire day, we'd go to "the cookie store" before school on Wednesday...and she did it!  Then she stayed dry all day Wednesday, too!  She even woke up dry this morning!  Hurray, Lucy!

Some Lucy funnies:
Sometimes when she's going potty, she declares that she "needs privacy" and we have to leave the room (or at least turn our back to her).  The funniest thing is, she pees immediately after being granted her precious privacy.  She's also started requesting privacy in the tub which is hilarious.  She's happy with me just pulling the shower curtain closed...

She says all kinds of funny words and phrases.  The other day when we were outside, she was standing on the porch and I walked down the steps and she said, "Hey mom, where ya off to?"

She's constantly making fake phone calls on her phone (or on Dave's calculator...) but she needs interaction...she wants us to hold up our phone and pretend to be talking to her so the conversation can be two-sided.  Sometimes she'll pick up her phone, though, and yell "Hello!?" and pause.  Then she'll say, "I'm Lucy!" and put the phone down.  We ask her who it was and she tells us no one was there...

This girl talks in her sleep so much (just like her daddy)!  Last night I remember hearing her say something on the monitor - it was very clear but I can't remember what it was...
One morning when Dave went to wake her up, she was jabbering away in her sleep and told him someone stole her heart!

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