Friday, April 12, 2013

Lucy's 2 year old stats

We had her 2 year doctor visit on Friday, March 29 - 4 days after she turned two.
We'd been practicing with the new doctor kit she got for her birthday from Auntie Ema and Uncle Jeff so she'd know exactly what to expect and she did pretty well at the appointment compared to prior visits...but still, she definitely wasn't loving it.
For the first time, she got to stand on the scale and be measured against the wall - instead of sitting on a baby scale and laying down on the table to be measured.
She now weighs 31.20 pounds - 91%
She is 33.5 inches tall - 40%

Still in a good mood and playing peek-a-boo before Dr. D came in
We can't help but wish Dr. D would get a chance to see the funny and smart Lucy girl instead of the mama and daddy clinging wiener baby...but he said she looks great and is doing great (and that we're doing great, too)!  There were no shots at this appointment so there were no tears at the end which will hopefully reassure her for next time.  (Since her appointment, she has started mentioning "Dr. D" so it seems like he is her friend now!)

So yes, our sweet girl is TWO…and she’s exactly that – sweet (most of the time).
She says “thanks” a lot…every time she gets into her police car, she yells, “Bye, thanks!”  I think because every day when we leave the babysitter, I tell her to say goodbye and thank you, it must be in her head to say “bye, thanks!” whenever she leaves!
If we’re walking into the house and hold the screen door open to let her go ahead of us, she’ll say, “thanks, Mama” or “thanks, Daddy.”

Super wacky! 
The baby she is holding was a birthday gift from Great Grandma Meyers - and she calls the doll "baby P!"

She is so good at playing…she loves playing with Little People – especially her Easter house (trying to decide if we should leave it out or pack it away with our Easter stuff) and princess castle.  She and Dave can play for long stretches where she takes one of her Little People and makes them knock on the door and waits for Daddy and his character to answer the door.  Sometimes she even makes different voices when she’s making one of the princesses talk!

When I am dressing her, I’ll hold up a sock and ask which foot first and she’ll wiggle one of them and say, “memememe!” in a high pitched voice – she makes her feet “talk!”  She also makes other body parts “talk” while getting dressed or getting a bath.

Just the other day I was about to brag about the girl and tell Dave that she could count to 11…and then she counted to 13!!!  I was so proud!  I was surprised but Dave wasn’t…he said we’re always counting things with her and I often make it a point to count the steps with her going up to her room…and there are 13 steps.

She can also sing her ABCs, though she does not enunciate well.  She still likes to sing “Happy Birthday” a lot and she cracked me up the other day…we had her Melissa & Doug wooden birthday cake in the basement and were singing “Happy Birthday” repeatedly – sometimes to her, sometimes to me, sometimes to her baby – and then she’d cut the cake.  At one point I asked her whose birthday was going to be next and she pulled a Little People out and said “this guy!” (it was a construction worker guy).  So we started singing and I trailed off and let her take it away…”Happy  birthday dear…this guy, happy birthday to you!”  She hesitated for a moment and filled in “this guy” and I nearly peed my pants laughing!

We were at the park the other day and she raced over to a patch of weeds and said, “Me play-nin mine garden!”  Sad that because of me and my landscaping skills, she seemed to think the patch of weeds was a garden…

Her "garden"

Lucy loves being outside so we're all very excited that spring is finally here and that summer is coming!  She really enjoys taking "stroller naps" on the weekends:

We love the way she talks.  Her vocabulary is quite extensive and she blows away the 20 words Dr. D said she should be using by this age.  She speaks in sentences, and sometimes they’re pretty long!  But the sentences are very choppy and there’s a stop between every word.  “Me.  Play.  Outside.  Little.  Bit.  Please?”

She’s a bit of a picky eater, though she’s getting a little bit better lately.
For breakfast, she’ll often have cereal – she is willing to eat the following cereals:
Trix (her favorite)
Cheerios (only original…she has rejected the Apple Cinnamon and MultiGrain and Honey Nut)
Sometimes she’ll have some fruit with it and sometimes she’d prefer to eat a piece of bread for breakfast.  We went through a major bread eating phase with her a few weeks ago where she probably ate an entire loaf in about a week.
Fruit she will eat includes:
And…that’s about it…there are several she won’t even try and there are some that make it into her mouth…but then she opens up and lets them fall right back out…

For lunch we have limited options – we don’t want her to have to eat the same things every day – but she’s just so stubborn about trying things!
Things we pack in her lunch:
Turkey dog with bread and cheese, ripped up lunch meat like turkey or chicken breast with bread and cheese (though just within the past week, she has started eating sandwiches!  She never would before, even though she was basically eating them unassembled – torn up bread, ripped up lunch meat, cheese), cut up salami (one of her favorites!), pasta salad (she loves the Suddenly Pasta Salad by Kraft – Caesar), spaghetti, Lunchable Snack Duos (cubed lunch meat, strips of cheese and mini Ritz crackers)…and that’s about it.
Dinner is similar but she’ll also eat pizza (we’d question where she came from otherwise!) and will occasionally try new things.  She does like burgers (cut up, so she can dip-dip-dip in ketchup) and we’ll continue to work on broadening her horizons.
For snacks, she’ll have fruit or cheese, Goldfish crackers (the regular multi grain ones or the graham cracker ones) or yogurt (we buy YoBaby and YoToddler yogurt for her per her pediatrician’s recommendation).  In the evenings, sometimes she wants a snack before bed.  Sometimes she asks for cookies (mini Oreos) and sometimes she’ll ask for bread.  True story.

Having a picnic
Before bed is her tv time and she still typically chooses “Little Einsteins.”  Sometimes she chooses Tangled and sometimes The Little Mermaid gets requested but both of those have decreased in frequency.  Lately, she’s been talking about The Lion King which should make her Uncle Jason happy.

Which reminds me…the other day, we were playing in the basement and she spotted her tunnel and said “Uncle Jeff in mine tunnel!”  Yes, she still remembers when wacky Uncle Jeff tried to fit in her tunnel…but that was the first time she ever used the word “uncle!”  It was especially cool because it was unprompted!

And speaking of unprompted, earlier this week she was swinging at the park, and she blurted out “Baby in Ema’s belly!”  So true, but so random!  Then she smiled and yelled “Girl!”  She knows the baby will be a boy and was being wacky!

These are my sunglasses but she said she needed them "to drive."

Last weekend I asked her if we should go somewhere on Saturday since it was so nice and she said “Yes!” as I knew she would.  Curious about what she’d suggest, I asked her where we should go and she said, “Shopping!  Buy. Somethin’.  For.  Daddy!”  (Sorry, daddy…we ended up at the zoo instead).

She is so, so smart!
Recently, Dave had some car trouble and Lucy and I met up with him and had to watch as the Jeep was towed away...this pretty well freaked her out and she had a lot of questions - especially when we followed it to the shop and she saw it being unloaded from the truck, too.  
We had to empty a lot of stuff out of Dave's car, including her carseat from his car plus the carseat she uses in Fawn's car.  This sparked a discussion and I asked her which of her three carseats was her favorite.  She pointed to the one next to her, the one that is usually in Daddy's car - "That one!"  I asked, "What about the pink one you use in Fawn's car?"  She said, "No!  Pink.  Polka-dot.  One!"  I couldn't believe she knew "polka dot!"  Sure enough, the one in Dave's car is gray with pink dots and the one for Fawn's car is solid pink.

That night we headed to GranJan and Grandpa's house to borrow a vehicle while the Jeep was worked on.  We stopped at Frisch's to pick up dinner in the drive-thru first and I thought it was her first experience in the drive-thru.  A few days later she was in the backyard playing in her police car, leaning out the door saying things like, "Um, me take burger please!" or "I need one pizza" so she seemed pretty familiar with the whole drive-thru concept - either she has been through one before, after all, or she's a quick learner!

Lucy is very used to her routine.  Most nights, she gets a bath and then I dry her, put lotion on her, dress her, and comb her hair.  Occasionally we don’t wash her hair in the tub (on nights where we were lucky enough to discourage her from combing her hair with her fork – aka “dinglehopper” - at dinner) and recently we had such a night.  But after I finished dressing her she said, “Purple comb!  Are you?”  She was calling out, asking her where her purple comb was, knowing that hair combing usually comes next!

This girl makes us smile and makes us crazy and we love it!
She has her sunglasses on upside down in the picture on the left...

1 comment:

  1. She sure is smart! She seems to really have a great imagination! It's so fun to watch them use their imagination at this age because you never know what they are going to come up with.
