But I am happy (and probably lucky!) to report that Lucy was actually a very nice little helper elf! As Dave put it, "I think Lucy likes it when weird things are going on in her house." There were boxes and stuff everywhere and she enjoyed investigating.
I'd packed away her Christmas books, including Llama Llama Holiday Drama and she's very into her llama books lately so that was a totally jackpot for the Lucygirl (though her current favorite is still Llama Llama Time to Share). She also discovered some holiday Little People and her Little People nativity set.
Time for a flashback Friday:
Playing with the ornaments on the day after Thanksgiving 2011 |
Playing with the ornaments on the day after Thanksgiving 2012 |
Daddy was dying for her to put the angel on the tree but she was a little confused about the whole thing...they made it happen, though!
Angel down... |
In the end, she was very proud of her handy-work:
Your toddler may be engaging in more imaginary play - holding a toy phone up to a stuffed animal or doll’s ear, for instance, or having pretend meals. Most of this sort of play is still imitating actions rather than creating them (actual fantasy), but that will be a next step. Another indication that her imagination is developing: She’s starting to show that she realizes how other people feel - she can imagine herself in their shoes. And this signals the beginning of a gradual lessening of self-centeredness. |
Lucy is 20 months old!
She continues to love her play phones (and continues to love our real phones even more...) and has been playing in her kitchen constantly...she loves stirring up a bowl filled with her necklaces and offering it to us to "eat." Yum!
She now weighs 29 pounds and 2.5 ounces and is 32 and 3/4 inches tall!
She makes things hard but she makes things fun...she's at an age where she can - and does - play independently...but she's also a major daredevil and needs serious supervision...plus she likes to know where her mama is at all times! Recently we were in the basement and I thought I could go over and do some laundry while she played...until I saw her trying to climb out of the front of her police car - head first. The kid's insane!
She hung out with GranJan last night and when I came to get her, my mom commented that "her vocabulary is becoming quite extensive!"
It's true, she knows and says a lot of words...a lot of them sound similar and sometimes even Dave and I can't figure out what she's saying (though I am a little better at it than him at this point!) but some of my new favorite things she says are:
Hairbow (last night on the way from Cooper's house to GranJan's house, she removed the flower clip from her hair, held it up and announced "ha-bow!")
Santa, reindeer and snowman
Hammer (see/hear for yourself in the video below)
Llama (as I said, she has become quite obsessed with the Llama Llama books and asks for LlamaLlamaLlamaLlamaLlamaLlama)
Talia (her babysitter's daughter's name)
Pouch (she has associated GranJan's house with pouches, her favorite snack, because she tends to keep a stash in a Lucy-accessible cabinet and when I told Lucy we were heading over there last night, she kept repeating "pashhh")
Couch (where she likes to sit to read her Llama books...or, rather, have them read to her)
People (sounds a lot like the way she pronounces Cooper's name so we have been confused by this one before...it's used in reference to her Little People)
Pull, pull (she likes to grab our finger and pull, pull us around the house...and announce that she is "pull, pull"ing us...)
Pants (she just says it so funny / cute)
Airplane (she's said this one for awhile now but it's still awesome)
Ema (she likes to talk about her auntie a lot!)
Police car
Home (when we pull in the driveway each night, I say "We're...." and she says "Home!")
Bon Jan Lane (she does not say it well but she's trying! When I ask her "what's our street?" she can answer with her version of "Bon Jan Lane"!
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