My tricky baby guy is 8 months old!
He now weighs 21 pounds, 6 ounces.
His next well visit with Dr. D is next month at 9 months old.
Due to the fact that he's tricky and I'm crazy, he's had quite a few sick visits lately...
When he had his first ear infection, it was discovered at a well visit and came as a total shock because he literally had NO symptoms - no fever, no decreased appetite, no fussiness, nothing.
His second ear infection went just about the same way so I am always paranoid he has an ear infection that I am not detecting.
I took him in once because I was convinced he had pink eye (and was anxious for another chance to have his ears checked). He had a clogged tear duct. Seriously. I've become "that mom"?!
On Monday, January 12th I took him in, again convinced he had an ear infection. He did not but was given eye drops for his gooping eyes. By Friday the 16th, he had a 102 fever and no appetite. It sounded like he surely had an ear infection but I was skeptical since he doesn't usually have symptoms with them...I took him back to the doctor, and sure enough - ear infection. Tricky, I tell ya!
Another "trick" he's developed is - he will no longer drink milk from a bottle! He nurses just fine but right before Christmas, he stopped drinking from his bottle at the sitters' houses. He's refused bottles from Tammy, Shelly, my mom, Dave's mom, Dave and even from me. I've offered him a sippy cup, which he basically just plays with. One day at Ms. Shelly's house, he got ahold of Leo's bottle and chugged an ounce or two before he was I thought maybe he just wanted to do it himself...? That night I sat him on the floor and handed him a bottle - and he drank it up! I foolishly thought the problem was solved...but he has not drank from a bottle since...
At one of his sick appointments, I brought this new issue up to the doctor and he just shook his head and said, "Wow! Sounds like he's exuding some early toddler behaviour already...good luck with this guy!" Nice.
One night while feeding him cereal, I stepped into the kitchen for a second to grab a napkin...when I got back, it became clear I'd need more than just he one napkin - he'd reached the bowl and dumped it out...
This guy continues to love to play! We can set him on the floor with some toys and he's happy for an hour. He's very good at playing on his own and amusing himself, though he loves interaction just as much.
He loves to eat! While he's given up on the bottle, he still nurses well. He does not care for the peas and carrots mixture I've offered him a few times but it must just be the peas he hates because he loves carrots! I get a lot of free baby carrots coupons to Kroger so I've been pureeing the heck out of them and making my guy happy! He loves Puffs, also...and we recently diced a banana and let him eat that up, which made him mighty happy. He's growing up so fast! Already eating "real" food and feeding himself!
He's been babbling and making lots of noises lately and I think he's pretty close to saying his first "real" word. He babbles "mamamama" and " dadadada" but has yet to mean "Mama" or "Daddy."
He can get around! He lays on his belly and can spin around in circles and recently finally figured out how to get up on all fours. So far he can crawl backwards quite well but hasn't quite figured out how to go forward, but he will soon. He can get from a sitting position to a crawling position and back up to a sitting position all on his own.
Since he's able to move around so well - and so quickly! - he approaches Lucy's stuff a lot. I was prepared for her not to handle it very well but she's been amazing. Sometimes, I'll relocate Max and say, "No playing with Lucy's Frozen castle" and she'll hear me and say, "It's okay, he can play with it." So sweet! But her stuff has small parts so we need to keep an eye on the sneaky Baby guy!
Such a big guy! 8 month photo shoot was done in the midst of the ear infection so he wasn't too animated in the photos...this ear infection was so different from the others - what with the symptoms and all! He was definitely not himself at all for several days so we're happy to report he's on the mend and is back to being happy!